terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015

Benefits of belly dancing

The dances these days are one of the ways used by women so they can lose weight and have a fit body, and this attitude becomes one of the most accurate, as well as shape the body they can have many other benefits that help them to maintain the body welfare. Belly dancing is among the favorite of women, because it brings numerous benefits including the fact that slims. With belly dancing woman feels better physical and mental shape because it helps in many important points and that do very well to all of them
Benefits of belly dancing
  1. Develops body dissociation;
  2. It stimulates memory, concentration and attention;
  3. Increase confidence in your individual potential;
  4. Rescues the femininity;
  5. Activates circulation, increases the reflexes and relieves tension;
  6. Increases flexibility and stretching;
  7. Helps in menstruation, hormonal and childbirth problems, reducing colic, balancing the sexual functions and easing contractions and expansions;
  8. Working muscles, tensing and toning;
  9. It acts directly on the body's energy center, which is in the womb, distributing it evenly;
  10. Improves the rhythm, coordination, balance and memory;
  11. Improves physical conditioning;
  12. Improves self-esteem;
  13. Energy works the chakras, which are important power and energy centers;
  14. Relaxes and brings emotional well-being;
  15. Brings ease and disinhibition;
  16. It stimulates the reproductive organs;

My advice to beautiful practice belly dancing


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