segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015

Star chic

I love my new job so I'm perfect in outfit, when you do things for a love and everything in a life going well, when I wake up I feel very happy because I have everything that I dream.
I take to parade with a good outfit. I used a cream blouse with black balls and a black pencil skirt, I look perfect for go to work

quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2015


This photo is old I took this on summer, this day I used white short and green light sweater. The two pieces give me a lot of style. I was also confortable with this look because the weather was so hot and sunshine,I felt very stylish and african

Gypsy fashion

Gypsy fashion already very old but never go out of fashion, I decided to use two very strong colors, the skirt is red and black stripes, with a dark green blouse, the texture of the fabric are very different I decided to venture into the visual 

quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2015

How to use beer to beauty

The women of ancient Egypt and Rome used beer regularly as part of the beauty routine to help keep the skin smooth.
Beer has a low PH, so it will help to tighten your hair follicles as well as remove dirt and grease from your hair.

The benefits of beer in your skin and hair:
* Good for fighting
* It helps slow down sebum production
* Good source of B vitamins, protein, selenium, potassium, iron and zinc
* Helps with skin elasticity
* Help purity and renew the skin
* Stimulating the circulatory systems
* Open your pores
* Detoxifying
* Have curatives effects on the complexion
* Relieve muscle tension

terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2015

Corset benefits

Corsets were made in many year ego, many women use it as fashion and also for beauty. Waist training is the process of slimming and reshaping your waist.
The benefits of corset are:
1. Good posture
2. Reduces waistine
3. Back pain relief
4. Lifts the breasts
5. Postnatal recovery
6. Prevent potencial back injuries
7. Posture support
8. Reshape and feminize
9. Muscles become stronger and firmer.
10. Keeps your muscles in alignment
11. Help improve your body image and overall health

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015

Bad blood

This is a song  title of  Taylor Swift , BAD BLOOD 
I chose this name for my look because I used these clothes during the day, it was a bit risky because the red color is very strong and the dress is short and low cut.
I used this look on sunday afternoon, the people do not stop to look at me, I was beautiful and provocative. 

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2015

Pretty perfect

I used a black skirt and violet blouse, these two pieces gave me a young look and fresh, it set my curves, the best parts o my body come out more.
I went to family lunch and in a perfect place to spend time with my family.

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2015

Family time

Esplanada Grill Facebook 

I spend a wonderfull day with my family, my father invited us to go to eat at restaurant, we chose a restaurant near home so we can walk to get there.
The restaurante is Esplanada Grill, it is expensive but they have a good food and place to spend quality time.
My father and i drink a good wine, my brothers drank natural juice and we eat a dish from brazilian origin, we eat Picanha.


Jump rope workout benefits

Jump rope is a full body workout, it works your mind, it increases strength, agility, speed, timing and rhythm.
You dont need a lot of space to jump rope and also is cheap. Jump rope can warm you up quickly if you are feeling cold. It's can be used to improve both your health and quality of your life.

Jump rope workout benefits are:

1. Tones muscles and creates definition.
2. Lose weight fast.
3. Improve quickly and agility
4. Improves breathing
5. You can do it anywhere
6. Improves coordination
7. It's fun and cheap

quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2015

dark blue

I am a big fan of dresses, dress are great allies of fashion, you can wear at party and events.
They are confortable pieces and are very helpful for people who do not know to combine the styles.
The mixture of gray and dark blue with a huge stripes dress, perfect for a visit to church

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015

Avocado benefits for beauty

Avocado have wonderful benefits and uses for skin, hair and health. It contain incredible amount of essencial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
Avocados are use in many health and beauty products including hair conditioners, face creams and bath oils.

Avocado benefits for beauty:
1. Help prevents bad breath
2. Helps to keep eyes healthy
3. Reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases
4. Healthy pregnancy
5. Healthy brain
6. Anti-aging
7. Help to provide antioxidant protection for the body
8. Contain anti-imflammatory properties
9. Healthy skin
10. Treats dry hair
11. Treats dehydrated skin
12. Its lowers cholesterol
13. Improves the digestion
14. Help stop the development of some cancers

sábado, 5 de setembro de 2015

Spicy love

Today the weather is cold and the sky is gray, i am inside unwilling to leave but i want to look good, to change my mood i going to dress, it is a print dress and lightweight fabric.
I feel spoiled and love, this love is to spice up my day because it is cold outside. Even at home i like to dress well and look good and for this look I going to call spicy love.
Yellow is a the color of mind, intellect and optmistic. Blue is the color of shy, ocean and sleep, this two colors together they make a perfect song. I am in love

terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2015

Reasons to start bike riding

Cycling is one orf the easiest ways to fit exercise into your daily routine because it is also a form of transport. it saves you money, gets you fit and is good for environment. Regular cycling can help you lose weight reduce stress and improve.

Reasons to start bike riding 
  1. grow your mind 
  2. exercise is like fertilizer for your brain all those hours spent tuning your cranks create rich capillary beds not only in your quads and glutes, but also in your gray matter. more blood vessels in your brain and muscles mean more oxygen and nutrients to help them work .
  3. cycling can elevate your mood, relieve anxiety, increase stress resistance, and even banish blues. 
  4. exercise works as well as psychotherapy and anti-deepressants in the treatment of depression 
  5. why cycling is so good for your body and mind plus, how to pick the gear that is right for you.
  6. reducing your gasoline budget 
  7. burning a ton of calories 
  8. 20 minute of cycling decreased leves of anxiety 
  9. riding a stationary bicycle counts as cardiopvascuolar exercise 
  10. regular cardio exercise helps lower high blood pressure regulates blood sugar and may prevent heart attacks 
  11. bike helps your heart become more efficient at pumping blood. 

quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2015

sunshine and love

yellow and brown, this look I used when I was at work, the two colors together made me feel life.
The yellow symbolizes the sun, summer, prosperity and happiness .light brown means stability, strength and simplicity.The two colors create a balance in my welfare. 

I felt love in this styles and I felt possessed by the spirit of love. my whole day went well and the work also


segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2015

Weekend in Cabo Ledo

To spend a good weekend It is not necessary to travel, You can spend a weekend in a friendly place, I went to the Cabo Ledo is located in Angola, this place is full of beaches and exotic landscapes, also live fishermen around and very different hotels which we are used.
I arrived at 18:00 p.m., to reach at Cabo Ledo I was in the road for 2 hours but nature has made all the difference with beautiful landscape.
I was staying at the Doce Mar hotel, it is an expensive restaurant, the daily cost around 260 USD, but it was worth spending so much money, because we are entitled to a king breakfast and we
can use the swimming pool.
I used this dress full of Butterflies and I had surprise in this very place were many butterfly,  the dress matched with the environment, a long time I had not seen butterflies.


segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2015

Why we have to copy celebrities?

All my life I copied the lifestyles of my family and  I don´t had success in my life, I tried to copy my mother  because she was the pillar of the family, for me she was the perfect person that I should follow, Finally I just be misunderstood. People began to think and until now they are think I'm jealous of my mother, I decided to stop copying her.

I now have a model that inspire me and they are celebrities

Celebrities always were the inspiration for thousands of women around the world when it comes to beauty and behavior,  Diets of the famous, how to skin care and practice new workouts usually begin to be popularized after passed the approval of the star tips. Actresses and singers also become showcase of ordinary people in time to renew the look.

The celebrities are models, persistence and perseverance in the search for a satisfying life

For example: Ronaldinho is an athlete who demonstrates good attitudes related to body and health.

People have positive concepts in relation to celebrities, People who are health compromised by overweight has error awareness in your diet and lack of exercise

the celebrity I decided to follow is Rihanna, she has everything I'm looking for in a person. you can follow the celebrity that you like the most.

Do not be afraid what people will tell, the most important thing is to be happy and build up your self esteem

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2015

purple gloss

beautiful and gorgeous, ou know that skirt you no longer use, I decided to use it today, the skirt is violet glow and also wore with Brown blouse .
 The look is modern vintage

I was working with this look feel very classic

quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2015

Make Money with cupcakes

I have a tip for you who is unemployed or need to make extra money. Cupcake is a cookie which is very famous worldwide, many people nowadays manage to bill a good extra money with it. While others transforam this simple practice in a real business success, that way you can get a good income every month, making simple products, which can be done at home and make money without the interference of others.

Tips to Make Money with cupcakes

Learn to make the best products - Your first action is to seek knowledge to prepare the best possible cupcakes, because only with the quality of their products is that your customers come back again and again. Today there are many good courses in the business and recommend you do one.

Define how will sell - you need to find a way to sell your products manufactured and the truth is that this area offers many sales options. You can sell at home, working with orders for parties, selling wholesale to coffee shops and other businesses, selling in college for his colleagues and in various other ways.

Make innovative cupcakes - When we talk about cupcakes remember then of cupcakes in the know of vanilla, as they are the most traditional, but nowadays there are many other flavors and formats, so it's very important to be an innovative manufacturer to achieve thus further sales .

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015

Benefits of belly dancing

The dances these days are one of the ways used by women so they can lose weight and have a fit body, and this attitude becomes one of the most accurate, as well as shape the body they can have many other benefits that help them to maintain the body welfare. Belly dancing is among the favorite of women, because it brings numerous benefits including the fact that slims. With belly dancing woman feels better physical and mental shape because it helps in many important points and that do very well to all of them
Benefits of belly dancing
  1. Develops body dissociation;
  2. It stimulates memory, concentration and attention;
  3. Increase confidence in your individual potential;
  4. Rescues the femininity;
  5. Activates circulation, increases the reflexes and relieves tension;
  6. Increases flexibility and stretching;
  7. Helps in menstruation, hormonal and childbirth problems, reducing colic, balancing the sexual functions and easing contractions and expansions;
  8. Working muscles, tensing and toning;
  9. It acts directly on the body's energy center, which is in the womb, distributing it evenly;
  10. Improves the rhythm, coordination, balance and memory;
  11. Improves physical conditioning;
  12. Improves self-esteem;
  13. Energy works the chakras, which are important power and energy centers;
  14. Relaxes and brings emotional well-being;
  15. Brings ease and disinhibition;
  16. It stimulates the reproductive organs;

My advice to beautiful practice belly dancing


sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2015

Paint the keys with nail polish

This is a simple tip and many utilities, because these keys painted with nail polish can be used to decorate or to use normally. I'm sure you will love the idea!

If you have many keys to get home and find hard to remember all the keys, the solution is to paint with of different color nail polish

If you are a key collector and want to make unique pieces, you can use your nail polish and start paintin

• Keys
• Nail Polish
Step by step:
Chaves-painted with enamel-of-nails-1.jpegSe you have several keys and gets confused when it comes to use them, it is best to paint each with a color. Paint top of the key, as shown in the picture. Just past the nail polish and allow to dry. A creamy nail polish will always be the best option because the color of better coverage